Our current plan for re-opening after lockdown;
We would like to start by saying that we are so grateful to all of our clients for being so supportive and patient while we have been closed, your messages and kind words have meant so much to us.
The government issued a lockdown rule in March 2020 so we adhered to that to ensure our clients safety as that is paramount to us.
Following the governments guidelines we will be staying closed until July 2020 and will then reassess at that time, we will not be opening unless it is deemed safe for us to do so.
When it is deemed safe by the government and health experts for us to open then we will be re booking all clients, firstly starting with clients that had appointments booked in before lockdown, the next bookings will be clients on our waiting list and then after everyone that has been waiting is booked in we will be opening our online booking system to new clients.
While on our time off our Beauty Spa therapists have been ensuring that we are up to standard with our education and helping protect you and us against Covid-19. Shannen and Paris have done a course with Barbicide which is the global leader of disinfection in the professional beauty industry. This certificate means we have been fully educated in hygiene and can ensure we have a better knowledge and understanding of covid-19. Lauren is a fully qualified nurse so is trained to the highest standard with regards to PPE and hygiene. Our main concern is keeping everyone healthy and safe.

As we want to keep everyone safe we will have some guidelines that we would like everyone to follow to ensure both yours and our safety; these may be subject to change or additional ones put in place depending on government guidance;
- All clients will have their temperatures taken upon arrival and if it is too high (over 37 degrees) unfortunately you will be asked to reschedule and come back in two weeks.
- We have the right to refuse treatment if we feel you are showing signs of COVID-19.
- Please attend all appointments alone (this includes children/family/friends).
- Every client must wash hands/use hand santiser upon arrival.
- Staff will be giving themselves extra time between each client to ensure correct sanitising of themselves and their work area is completed.
- We will only allow 1 client in the waiting area at a time this is to ensure we have the correct distance between each person.
- Gloves and mask will be worn by staff at all times and if you could attend your appointments with your own gloves and mask that would be greatly appreciated.
- We would prefer if you could pay for your treatments with either card or correct cash amount this will prevent cross contamination.
In the meantime the lock-down can be hard for your mental health so don’t be scared to ask for help, we have attached the direct link for the NHS mental health page with all numbers and websites to help you. We hope this helps.
We cannot wait to be back to work, seeing all of you and catching up as well as making you all look lovely and feel amazing.
Thank you for your continued support.
Shannen, Paris & Lauren. Xx
Beauty Spa